Friday, 15 May 2015

0 How to Get More Facebook Likes

Hello friends today is my Topic of this post is how to get more likes on your face book page.
In this post i give you a trick for inviting your all friends to your particular page to like .
you can invite your all friends to your personal page  product page with one click and you can  see your dream to becomes true to be famous on facebook come .

This Trick i call  Auto FB page Invite for Facebook Now  Question is  how its work......?
This trick is a just a java script function that call your friends to like your page see  when  you run this java script  by going to console of your face-book page then it invite your all friends to like your page and when and same as when you share this code on your wall and tell and your friends to  run this on his page then his her friends also invited to like his page and your page also .

For  example : you have 250 friends in your id
You Run this code in your console box of browser .
When is run you invite your 250 friends to like your page and from 250 only 200 like your page .
For Eg 1st friend run this for like his page and he have 500 friends .

Now when he /she invite his  500 friends for like his page Then his 500 friends also invited to like your page also .
Now just imaging you invited 250+500=700 people to like your page .
Now same as when 2nd friend run this for like his friends (he have 700 friends )
Now you invited by 250+500+700=1450 people
Now we  Don"t waste time just goto the main trick you just need to do..

Auto FB page Invite to all your Facebook Friends

Get The Code Open/Click Link :
encrypted script -► If This link not working just add click →
( Ctrl a ) ( Ctrl c )


 go to any (Facebook Page ). or You can try On this Page. (
-► F12 ConsoleBox or Ctrl+Shift+J ConsoleBox .
-► Paste All The Code ( Ctrl v ) .
-► Enter . DONE.
Or You Can Aslo Copy From Here.....

About Author :Sunny

Student of MCA at BGIMT(sangrur), i know how to deal with html ,php,java script,css,adobe photoshope,wordpredd and blogger .
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