Friday, 15 May 2015

0 How To Download Youtube Videos Using Operamini Mobile

Hi...Frnds wel come agan.

I hope my trix work for u ...If nt than plz give ur feed back by comment's.

Here is gud news for video lovers...

Let's start:- with my new trick u can download videos from you tube on ur mobile device with simple way.

Just follow thes step's to download videos from mobile in any vdo format.

Step 1:first of all just copy this java script


nw after copy this script....
Just goto bookmark option
and slect new and in web addres feild

just put this java script. Slect done.

NOTE:-u can also edit ur old book mark the mater is only add this script in web addres feild.

STEP 2:-go to

search ur video that u want to download .

Nw select video.....In play mode plz dnt click on the vdo pic just slect the text that is right side on the video.

STEP 3:-nw scrowll down ur mob scren at the end.
Of site slect DESKTOP Mode.

STEP 4:When ur on desk top mode
just goto bookmark that u crate in step 1.

Nw u cn see the download option .
Nw slect ur vdo format and download .

happy downloading frnds

if any dubt ..Give ur coment blow....

0 Airtel idea vodafone reliance videocon free gprs trick 100% working in punjab.

hello freinds

i have a free gprs tricks that 100% work in punjab bt try in ur state.

  • note

im not post this trick publicly bcuze if im post it here than it was blocked by airtel. if u rely want this trick.

  • than comment blow with ur email id and subscribe this blog and get this trick .

and many more latest updates from this blog.

0 How to download files from torrent with mobile

Today im teach u how to download movies songs and images from torrent  with your mobile phone .

first off all go to any torrent site for eg;-extra-torrents,torrent crazy
is my torrent movie site here u can download some top rated movies  .

step 1 .first go to this site than fined your movie and click on download now button .

step 2  Now  torrent file on ur mobile .

step 3  download Symtorrent on ur mobile .from some popular mobile software sites

step 4  now install this software on ur mobile .

step 5 open symtorrent than > option > add torrent &   select file that u download in step 1.

now see your torrent file is downloading now ....after complete downloading you can enjoy your movie at high quality..

To see my  videos Tutorial click  here...

if any problem ....comment here .....

1 How To Solve/Fix the shortcut virus from a USB Flash/Pen Drive

hello Friend"s  some of my Friends are facing  a most common problem of his removable drive

that is  files and folder gone shortcuts.....


Add caption
here is  some info to fix this problem

you NW the  basic damage of this error  if ur drive infect with Ti's Tye of virus  than Ur system wl gone slow

here is salutation ...

# first of all check ur file is not in hidden mode

click on start->RUN----->TYPE---CMD

NOW Set ur device name which is infected (removable media \and drive)

by typing ur drive latter  spouse if ur removable drive is  g

than type in cmd   (G:  ) ENTER

TYPE A COMMAND  attrib -r -a -s -h  /s  /d  (replace  latter g: with ur drive latter)

that"s it.

1 How to Install/Upload a New Template on Blogger Blog or Blogspot

Hello friends  hi  This is my new post on

  • In this article i discus about to make your blog more attractive  and beautiful  by uploading the good looking  template to your blog .
  • Behinds every most popular blog there a good looking Template  .
  • It"s human nature we everyone attract by good looking website .
  • I we have a blog with very useful information on but  our blog is not looking good then we can"t attract the more readers to our blog .
So friends here is a way to make your blog more attractive  by changing the default template of blog .
just follow this Easy steps to change your default template.

  1. First of all loging to your blogspot id 

And select the blog that you want to update the  template 

Now just stay here  first fined the template for your blog you can get templates fom various sites at free of cost just search on google .
When you get the template just download it and place the .xml extinction file
Note : -If Template is in ZIP file then before using just Extract it from the zip file and get the .XML File

  • Now come back on your blogger dashboard  and select the Beckup/Restore

  • Click On Chose

  • Browse for your .XML File  .
  • Select the name of template.XML 

when you see upload successful then click on the  view blog .

if any doubt  feel free to comment here 

or see video 

0 How to Get More Facebook Likes

Hello friends today is my Topic of this post is how to get more likes on your face book page.
In this post i give you a trick for inviting your all friends to your particular page to like .
you can invite your all friends to your personal page  product page with one click and you can  see your dream to becomes true to be famous on facebook come .

This Trick i call  Auto FB page Invite for Facebook Now  Question is  how its work......?
This trick is a just a java script function that call your friends to like your page see  when  you run this java script  by going to console of your face-book page then it invite your all friends to like your page and when and same as when you share this code on your wall and tell and your friends to  run this on his page then his her friends also invited to like his page and your page also .

For  example : you have 250 friends in your id
You Run this code in your console box of browser .
When is run you invite your 250 friends to like your page and from 250 only 200 like your page .
For Eg 1st friend run this for like his page and he have 500 friends .

Now when he /she invite his  500 friends for like his page Then his 500 friends also invited to like your page also .
Now just imaging you invited 250+500=700 people to like your page .
Now same as when 2nd friend run this for like his friends (he have 700 friends )
Now you invited by 250+500+700=1450 people
Now we  Don"t waste time just goto the main trick you just need to do..

Auto FB page Invite to all your Facebook Friends

Get The Code Open/Click Link :
encrypted script -► If This link not working just add click →
( Ctrl a ) ( Ctrl c )


 go to any (Facebook Page ). or You can try On this Page. (
-► F12 ConsoleBox or Ctrl+Shift+J ConsoleBox .
-► Paste All The Code ( Ctrl v ) .
-► Enter . DONE.
Or You Can Aslo Copy From Here.....

1 How to Promote Your Blog and Get More Visitors/Traffic

Hello readers today i Tell you about a new topic That is how to get more traffic on your blog on your fb page on your you tube Chanel  on your web site .
You Can get 10,000 to 25,000 visitors  per month by reading and following my this trick .
This Trick is Genuine way to get more visitors.
This trick is based on the traffic exchange Service .
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first of all you just make a new account at HitLeap - Website Traffic Exchange

Website Traffic Exchange

There are 1000 melons users that want to make some money some want becomes famous or some like us that want traffic to for his site .

you just see this video how it work and how to register in HITEAP Web site .

0 Get Google Adsense Approved 100% Tested in may 2015

Hello  Readers today i talk about my exprance  Google adesen and how i got approved by Google Adsen .
when i start Blogging  first i think why i make a blog why me spent my time for posting That is my thinking when im not attached  with GoogleAdsen or any other useful way to get some extra money online .

Google Adsense Approved
But Long time suffering with rejection of My Google Adsen account i feel tired .
so im start searching about how to get approved from GoogleAdsen etc.
but nothing no trick tips work for me .
But After 5-6 month later.
I find a golden trick to approve my Google Adsen account.
This Trick work for me Now I Have GoogleAdsen Account you can see Google ads on my blog.

I use This trick For my accounts and for my friend account he is happy with my trick because in past time he is
also suffering rejection of account by Google Like me.

Now I come Come to the main point i cant shar this trick here just because lots of use this trick gone cracked and  blocked by Google so if
friends and My Readers If you want this trick then simply subscribe this blog i send this trick to only my Readers not other ..
So please Don"t waste your just scribe this blog and get approved trick 100% granted.
Note : You Can Hire Us to get approved Account .
just msg me at fb/sippysrn is my fb page you can msg here or personally contact with me.

0 Accpt All Facebook Friends Requests With Single Click

Hello friends   here is my new nd simple trick to accpt your all facebook friends Rquests with a Single Click.

Don"t waste your time just goto at Trick.
  • In step one   copy the whole Code that is given here..

javascript: var field = document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")
;for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++)field[i].click() ;

  • in Step two Firs goto your fb profile Click on friends request button
  • Right click here --> Select -->inspect elements---> Click on Console
  • And Paste your Code here...

coolfb tricks

For any question quary just comment here....

0 Get genuine facebook likes for free 2015

1. First of all you will better have to download the Google Chrome browser for better functionality from here.

2. Log in to your facebook account and go to the Event or the Group to which you want to invite all your friends within a few seconds.
3. Click the button "Invite Friends" in order to select friends.

4. Now it is the most crucial point. Copy this javascript code:

. For EVENTS Copy this code:
javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i

First  Press CTRL + A  And  Copy This

Accpt All Facebook Friends Requests With Single Click

NOTE :- Here is new method to invite all friends   you just  Goto your Page  

Right click  Select ---> Inspect Elements ---->Console ---Paste  here your script code.

paste it to the address bar of your facebook page after you have raised the "" and press the enter button. You can watch all your friends being selected and now just press the button "Invite".

You Can See Live video  of this  trick at  you tube   .

1 How to make money 100% Genuine by cooltricks4u

Hello friends There are various way to make money online  some of them are not usefull and take lots of time to make money and  Lots of  risk.
Bout Today I'm Talking about Only Genuine and working way to make money on line without any risk of losting money and time also i hope you enjoy my post .
In this post I'm talking about how to make money on line with various method like full time or part time working on Internet here is some of my ideas that help you to make some extra $ in India  this is very use full for students and for Internet lovers like me you can make money on line .
how much you spent your time on this ideas and you can get more money on line .
So don"t wasting your time i come on the topic .
You just read step by step and learn the some new ways to make money on line .
My first idea that is very use full and genuine .
Online Advertisement :

Online Advertisemnet is latest growning area of income there are losts of sites that pay you for shownong his Advertisemnet on your site or blog  some of them are :-
Note :-Before applying this various Money Earning Sites you need a Blog Or Web Site .
See  How To Make A blog On BlogSpot  or How To Start blogging A complete Guide .
Now when your Ready With Your Blog You Can Start Here

1. Google Adsen 

Google Adsen Stand on 1st  in high paying advertisement sites
Ad sen is the best way to earn extra income who have his own blog or web site the can apply for ad sen but Before applying to ad sen their are some basis polices of the google ad sen that is need to follow strictly .
New users cannot be use this method this method is Little Dificult to use but it Pay more then All other methods .
Now the Topic is how to apply for adsen  you Can larn here step by step .

2.  Infolinks

Infolinks is for publishers and Advertiser
Info-links Stand on 2nd  in high paying advertisement sites.
Infolinks is same as google adsen users who are regularly trying to for google adsen and not approved by google adsen they can apply for info-links .this pay you same as google adsen you just need to  apply for Infolinks  by clicking on this link .
First read terms and condition of the info links service  and then signup for infolinks and start earning 

3. Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser Stand on 3rd  high paying  advertisement sites with Bidvertiser you can buy advertisements from various sites by Biding .this web site provide very cool looking web banners these beaners help you to attract more customers on your web site .you can also give your on web site advertisement on this site you just need to add some cash into your Bidvertiser account  see how Bidvertiser work...

My Next Method Is

Content Writing :

If you have no idea to making and website or blog then this way is only for you .with this method you don"t need  and blog or website. There are many bloggers that have very good in Web Designing But they have no time for writing Articles for his blog so they find someone who write content for his blog now If you have a good in writing skill then you can Contact  them and they will  defiantly Ready for paying you to make  money  but you just need Develop your

Writing Skill to Do this type of job.
How to Fined My Skill 

Just keep watching this journey is not stopped ...Hope you Enjoying It .

For Any Question And quarry Just Comment Here...



Well this is the question in  everybodies mind that how can we
hack a email account or How do others do it. When I started reading about Hacking I also search about
this question and search for the Softwares that can do it for me but there was nothing that work.
Then comes the websites like that claim to hack 98% of facebook accounts for only
140 euros. But that is a BIG FRAUD.
So question comes to mind How do we Hack the Accounts. In real there are few ways to hack any
account and they all work but thereare not easy and not 100% efficient but with time you can master them
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The ways Are (for nOObs)

  •  Key logging
  •  Phising
  •  Brute force
  •  Social Engineering (I call it Hacking the human)

 Guessing the Security Password. I will Post a detailed Articles about all these ways soon but summaries are as following.

KEYLOGGING: Keylogging is the way in which you sent a Keylogger remotely or install it on a computer towhich you have Physical access.Keylogger is a Program that notedown every thing a user write on acomputer and some Keyloggers alsocapture the Pictures of the screen. SOwith this way you can Know thePassword that the user write.

Phising: Phising is the way in which a person is tricked to go to a Fake website exactly like the real one (e.g.Facebook). And if that person enter the password then the password is stored in the website that the Hackerscan get. This way works very well with Stupids.

Brute Force: Brute force is the way ofhacking in which software try every possible password. This way is 100% accurate but it can take millions of years to complete. So it is complete
failure most of times.

Social Engineering: This way is really efficient with your friend whome you can trick to tell you the sensitive information like asking them to accept a keylogger an trick the to tell you their security 

Question’s answer.
Guessing the Security Password: This way can be the easiest or most difficult. But if you know the person then you can easily answer the

0 TOP 10 Tips to save you facebook account from hackers.

Hello Friends Today im Share a usefull information with you Regarding Facebook  ,Twitter and MySpace .
My Todays topic is how to protuct your Facebook ,Twitter ,MySpace and also gmail Account from Hackers .Hope it  realy help you to save your facebook account .

Before Starting This first im tell you why hackers crack your facebook password even thay don"t know you .
This funda is all about Get fame on facebook or other social networking sites .Some companies need lots of Followers to make his product Famus even they  pay for it to Some one who Give him losts of users and Boost his Product SEO Rank on Internet. So here the work of hackers come the hackers crack  id "s Password and  invite His friends to like Particular Page .

It"s work like a chain process .
Hacker =  crack  5 id's  all with 500 friends  (5*500=2500) 2500 [invites  = to his page ]

Just Think if a hacker  crack 5 id's  pr day and all id's have minimum 500 friends pr id then total of friends of id's  is  2500  so simply he invite 2500 id "s to his Page.

Now Question is  How to Protect our Account from hacking   Simply you can protuct your Account from hackers by following my some Tips .

  • Don"t be a Friend whore : We all love making new friends  from various countrys  but it"s make lots of Risk of hacking your account 
  • Change Your Recovery Method : IF you are using your mobile no with your facebook profile then it"s time for changing it becaus just think when your cell is not with you some times then any one can get new password with the help of your cell  by using the Forget Recovery method.
  • Make Some Privacy : Setup new Privacy setings on you facebook profile don"t Shere your birthdate or mobile no on profile .
  • Make Strong Password : Don"t Use a passwords like your mobile no your fab person name or your sir name etc in punjab this is a comman thing ppls use his sir name as his fb Profile  Now Time  to make a new password for your profile , use a password  with combination of  Upper case latter + and num + lowercase latter  for 

             eg  : [ Yourpassword35 ]    is  strong  but   [ yourpassword ]  is not strong.

  •  Use your own mobile : I maen to say in this  Some time we open his ac on our friends mobile phoon"s it"s not good for us becaus if his auto save option is activated then he /she can get  your password,or some time we forget to logout  its Special for Girls .
  • Proper Logout : when your using facebook in internet cafes then before leaving computer fir chet your account is proper logout or not.
  • Clear Cookies and cach : when your leaving computer don"t forget to clear cach or cookies it this well help you to stay safe.

0 how to make multypal same name folders in windows xp or 7

how to make same name folders ,

how to make multypal same name folders ,

same name folders ,

cool computer tricks

Its very in trusting tricks to surprise your friends Spicily for viewers we cannot make any folder with the same name
But with the help of this cool trick we Can Do it .
To Make a folder with same name .

Simply make a new folder by right click or new folder and give your name mine is only new folder.

Now Type any name u want  (just stay in rename option ) now press ALT  Key hold it and type 255  .
one folder with your name is crated.
now repeat same step again Type any name u want  (just stay in rename option ) now press ALT  Key hold it and type 255   leve alt key  again alt key + 255  leve alt key  again alt key +255.
one folder with your name is crated.

chart : How to press keys 

  1. For Folder 1  Folder name alt +255
  2. For Folder 2  Folder name alt +255 leve ,again key alt +255
  3. For Folder 3 Folder name alt +255 leve , again  key alt +255 leve, key again alt +255 
  4. For Folder 3 Folder name alt +255 leve , again  key alt +255 leve, key again alt +255 leve, again alt +255 
that's it .
your Folder is ready with name .
Note :- whenever your typing con just stay don"t press enter before entering Alt +255

For Feel free for any comments.....

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